Monday, June 21, 2010
Happy first day of summer!!
I DID end up having to buy a car and I LOVE it! We bought a 2000 Pontiac Sunfire. Fits the 4 of us nicely.. though I'm not exactly sure how we're going to fit everything we need into the car when we take our trip to Erie in August.
Back to working at the DQ, getting around 5 days a week. I'm SO glad our "cake holidays" are over.
Hubby finally went back to work at the end of April; thank goodness... Just as we filed his unemployment the very day before he went back to work; we got the "you've used up your unemployment benefits" message.
Hubby bought a motorcycle and while I'm not too pleased about it, it IS growing on me. I'll probably love it when he gets it all done and gets his class M license so I can ride with him. In my state, motorcycle drivers can not have passengers UNTIL they get their license... the ONLY person that can ride with the driver while he/she has their permit is a licensed instructor. (at least if I'm remembering correctly).
I met one of my best friends that I only ever knew online. She flew in from Texas for a few days and is trying to work it out to come back in August so she can come on our trip to Erie.
I've decided to get out more! I NEVER do anything, so I went out with some girlfriends in May for a bachelorette party. It was SO MUCH FUN!! I'm going to see Brooks n Dunn for their farewell tour in July, and then I am going to see Phantom of the Opera in September.
That pretty much sums it all up. Today the girls and I went out to play in the sprinkler attachment on the garden hose... well, they played for all of like 4 minutes and then came to lay beside me while I was trying to get some sun... I really need to find something or invent something to apply sunscreen to my own back! I got a little red!!
Friday, February 19, 2010
When life gives you lemons
When life gives you lemons, I still haven't quite figured out how to make lemonade with them.
Hubby took my car to the garage the other day for its yearly inspection. We knew there were things that needed done. They called within 2 hours of the car being dropped off. It's a 1994. I know it's on it's last leg of life. We were hoping to get another year out of it; so we can pay off the truck and then be able to afford to finance something for me. The number of things wrong with it is more than I want to deal with. Hubby and my cousin (who is like a brother to me) have decided that they are going to look at what the garage said needs done to pass, and see if it's going to be worth fixing. I personally don't even think it's worth it. We could buy a nice used vehicle and be able to rent a place to live. Hubby, again; is dead set on buying a house; for reasons mentioned in my last post. I was SO upset over it, I literally cried almost all day long. I love my in-laws. Really, but living with them for 3 years is really starting to take a toll on my emotional well being. Hubby doesn't understand; and it's not even worth fighting over. I cried and got everything out. I'm going to give him a time to look over my car and decide if it's going to be worth fixing. If I'm going to have to put $1k-$2k into fixing it; I'll take that money and use it towards buying a used car from one of our local used car places. I can't figure out how to talk with my husband about these things; without him getting upset over it and refusing to listen to my concerns/suggestions.
We sort of have a time line on when we'd like to be moved out; and for reasons I'd rather not mention. This detail is also putting a lot of emotional stress on me, and I just want to be over ALL OF IT. On top of all of this, I am suffering with an awful bout of allergies right now, and it doesn't help anything!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
It’s been crazy
We are still searching for a house. DH is convinced that we are still buying. I am not so sure. He loves to spend money.. I enjoy a frivolous spend every now and again, but WHY on Earth does a man need more than 5 fishing poles?? He spent some of our tax return on tires for his truck, but that was a necessity. A new mouse, keyboard, and RAM for his computer? Not so much. It's not like he uses his computer for work or anything. Though, with as much time as he spends playing Call of Duty and World of Warcraft, he should get paid for it.
My mom has to have gall bladder surgery. She has had to cancel and reschedule her meeting with the surgeon twice due to the weather. Within a 24 hour period from about noon on February 5th to around the same time on February 6th, we got almost 3 FEET of snow. We haven't had that much snow in that kind of time period in a long time. I would have gladly taken her today since my vehicle has 4 wheel drive, but it's out of inspection and goes to the garage tomorrow. It keeps snowing about every 2-3 days too. We got about 4-6 inches last night and I heard they are calling for the same by tomorrow. I digress… My mom's surgery more than worries me. I lost a friend from a complication from her tubal ligation surgery. And not 2 weeks later, Congressman John Murtha had the same complication from a gall bladder surgery. They say it's rare, but it happened in too short a time span for my liking.
My DQ will be opening again here in a few more weeks and I can't wait to go back to work. I really do enjoy my job. It gets me out of the house, *AND* makes me money! DH has been laid off work since November. Our benefits are going to be cut close to running out. But, he has talked to a handful of people in the last week or so that say that work should be picking back up in a few weeks. DH works for a company that is contracted to lay gas line. Dominion is in the process of being sold, so once the sale is complete, Dominion will contact DH's company to start laying gas line again.
My daughters are 4 and 2.5. Just in the last week, they have decided they want to go to school. My mom usually watches them for me while the hubby and I work, but I thought for a break for my mom (even though my job is part time, I still manage 5-6 days a week) I could put the girls in a daycare where a friend of mine works. I met her when I was doing my internship, and found out that she actually went to high school with my mom.
Later this evening, hubby is taking me to the grocery store so I can get what I need for a few dinners this week. I have a GREAT and easy recipe for Taco Soup. I also have wanted to make my chicken enchiladas again, so I should get a list put together so we can get what we need.
Friday, January 29, 2010
House hunting
1. The owners cut a hole in the wall and made a mounting bracket for a window air conditioner. It's "cover" was nothing more than a piece of plywood nailed to a 2"x4".
2. It smelled like cat urine. It had obviously been vacant quite a while and STILL had the stench.
3. The kitchen counters were molding where they met the wall; which means that it wouldn't be long until it started seeping into the walls.
4. There was a huge indentation in the one bedroom; that was "repaired" with plaster or caulking or something, and then painted over.
5. There was a dead bird in a closet.
6. There was writing all over the walls and door in the above mentioned bedroom.
7. It smelled like cat urine.
8. It's heating source was oil.. which wouldn't have been too terribly bad; except for the fact that the oil tanks were buried underground; with a "tap" for filling.
9. Did I mention the dead bird and the stench of cat urine?
I got TOO excited over it.. I should have known that they would post the best pictures they had. Trying to find a house/apartment/trailer/cave to live in is extremely time consuming and stressful. We are NOT city people; so we prefer to stay out of town. Obviously we have a price range that we can afford. And we don't want to be close to the road. Living in the proverbial sticks all of our lives, we just don't know how to become accustomed to living close to traffic. I could handle light traffic, but hearing the engine brake on a semi truck, or blaring music or loud pipes at 3 am; while having 2 young kids is just not something we can deal with. Really, our "needs" aren't too specific.. nothing like it HAS to be a certain square footage or anything like that. In fact, I don't really want anything too large; because that's more that I have to take care of lol... which in all honestly turns into a bigger mortgage or rent bill.
I have spent countless hours in the last week looking for somewhere to live (as we currently live with DH's parents) and it's sickening to me.. I'm getting depressed looking at the places we would LOVE to have; but just can't afford. I just have to be persistent in looking and try to convince DH we do NOT have to buy right this minute. We can rent and be extremely frugal and save every penny we can and maybe within a year's time; we will have a nice chunk of change to put down on the house of our dreams.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
So much for that!
Last week, a friend I met on and became friends with through our group called RCC that moved to Facebook, passed away.. Anna left behind 4 kids, ranging in age from 11 to just 3 months old. She had a minor surgery; even posted on Facebook and her blog on the day of the surgery once she was home. The next day she wasn't feeling well and eventually landed back in the hospital for emergency exploratory surgery. They discovered she had a perforated bowel; which ended up turning into peritonitis, and sepsis; which led to her untimely and terribly tragic death. It was very sad, and I feel so terrible that those precious children will have to live their lives without their mother; whom loved them very much. I also can NOT imagine the pain her husband is feeling either. I don't know what I would do if my other half were suddenly no longer with me.
Along with that, my husband and I (more-so myself than he) are searching feverishly for a house. We live with his parents, and let me just say, that living with the in-laws is NOT ideal. I love them; I really do, but there cannot be 2 queens in a castle. It is very time consuming and stressful trying to find something that suits our wants and needs that fits into our budget.
So on that note, I close for the day.. more real life things are beckoning me... things like laundry and lunch can not wait.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
I've tried this before
I'll start with a little introduction. I am a 26 year old mother to 2 gorgeous little girls. I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 5 1/2 years. It really was love at first sight for us; though he would never admit that. It took A LOT to break down his "shell" so I could get to know him. Of course we have our fights, but I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world; even on his bad days. I especially love him for putting up with me on my bad days.... which can be rather horrid at times.
I have some of the BEST friends anyone could ask for; and some of those friends I've never met in real life... and they're all MILES away. Hopefully someday, I can meet these amazing gals in person. Heather and Lindsay are my closest online friends; though Linz and I talk on the phone on occasion. They're both in Texas so maybe I need a trip to Texas :). My absolute best real life friend; aside from my amazing husband, is Andrea. We've been friends for 13 1/2 years and have been through so much together. There is NOTHING we don't talk about.
More to come later! It's late and I've got a big day ahead of me!