Friday, February 19, 2010

When life gives you lemons

When life gives you lemons, I still haven't quite figured out how to make lemonade with them.

Hubby took my car to the garage the other day for its yearly inspection. We knew there were things that needed done. They called within 2 hours of the car being dropped off. It's a 1994. I know it's on it's last leg of life. We were hoping to get another year out of it; so we can pay off the truck and then be able to afford to finance something for me. The number of things wrong with it is more than I want to deal with. Hubby and my cousin (who is like a brother to me) have decided that they are going to look at what the garage said needs done to pass, and see if it's going to be worth fixing. I personally don't even think it's worth it. We could buy a nice used vehicle and be able to rent a place to live. Hubby, again; is dead set on buying a house; for reasons mentioned in my last post. I was SO upset over it, I literally cried almost all day long. I love my in-laws. Really, but living with them for 3 years is really starting to take a toll on my emotional well being. Hubby doesn't understand; and it's not even worth fighting over. I cried and got everything out. I'm going to give him a time to look over my car and decide if it's going to be worth fixing. If I'm going to have to put $1k-$2k into fixing it; I'll take that money and use it towards buying a used car from one of our local used car places. I can't figure out how to talk with my husband about these things; without him getting upset over it and refusing to listen to my concerns/suggestions.

We sort of have a time line on when we'd like to be moved out; and for reasons I'd rather not mention. This detail is also putting a lot of emotional stress on me, and I just want to be over ALL OF IT. On top of all of this, I am suffering with an awful bout of allergies right now, and it doesn't help anything!

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