Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It’s been crazy

We are still searching for a house. DH is convinced that we are still buying. I am not so sure. He loves to spend money.. I enjoy a frivolous spend every now and again, but WHY on Earth does a man need more than 5 fishing poles?? He spent some of our tax return on tires for his truck, but that was a necessity. A new mouse, keyboard, and RAM for his computer? Not so much. It's not like he uses his computer for work or anything. Though, with as much time as he spends playing Call of Duty and World of Warcraft, he should get paid for it.

My mom has to have gall bladder surgery. She has had to cancel and reschedule her meeting with the surgeon twice due to the weather. Within a 24 hour period from about noon on February 5th to around the same time on February 6th, we got almost 3 FEET of snow. We haven't had that much snow in that kind of time period in a long time. I would have gladly taken her today since my vehicle has 4 wheel drive, but it's out of inspection and goes to the garage tomorrow. It keeps snowing about every 2-3 days too. We got about 4-6 inches last night and I heard they are calling for the same by tomorrow. I digress… My mom's surgery more than worries me. I lost a friend from a complication from her tubal ligation surgery. And not 2 weeks later, Congressman John Murtha had the same complication from a gall bladder surgery. They say it's rare, but it happened in too short a time span for my liking.

My DQ will be opening again here in a few more weeks and I can't wait to go back to work. I really do enjoy my job. It gets me out of the house, *AND* makes me money! DH has been laid off work since November. Our benefits are going to be cut close to running out. But, he has talked to a handful of people in the last week or so that say that work should be picking back up in a few weeks. DH works for a company that is contracted to lay gas line. Dominion is in the process of being sold, so once the sale is complete, Dominion will contact DH's company to start laying gas line again.

My daughters are 4 and 2.5. Just in the last week, they have decided they want to go to school. My mom usually watches them for me while the hubby and I work, but I thought for a break for my mom (even though my job is part time, I still manage 5-6 days a week) I could put the girls in a daycare where a friend of mine works. I met her when I was doing my internship, and found out that she actually went to high school with my mom.

Later this evening, hubby is taking me to the grocery store so I can get what I need for a few dinners this week. I have a GREAT and easy recipe for Taco Soup. I also have wanted to make my chicken enchiladas again, so I should get a list put together so we can get what we need.

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