Wednesday, January 27, 2010

So much for that!

I know I said I was going to try and keep up with this, but life happens.

Last week, a friend I met on and became friends with through our group called RCC that moved to Facebook, passed away.. Anna left behind 4 kids, ranging in age from 11 to just 3 months old. She had a minor surgery; even posted on Facebook and her blog on the day of the surgery once she was home. The next day she wasn't feeling well and eventually landed back in the hospital for emergency exploratory surgery. They discovered she had a perforated bowel; which ended up turning into peritonitis, and sepsis; which led to her untimely and terribly tragic death. It was very sad, and I feel so terrible that those precious children will have to live their lives without their mother; whom loved them very much. I also can NOT imagine the pain her husband is feeling either. I don't know what I would do if my other half were suddenly no longer with me.

Along with that, my husband and I (more-so myself than he) are searching feverishly for a house. We live with his parents, and let me just say, that living with the in-laws is NOT ideal. I love them; I really do, but there cannot be 2 queens in a castle. It is very time consuming and stressful trying to find something that suits our wants and needs that fits into our budget.

So on that note, I close for the day.. more real life things are beckoning me... things like laundry and lunch can not wait.

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